Safety is and always will be a top priority at our Paintball Park. With that said field rules are the most important way to make sure we all remain safe and have a great time playing the sport we love.
1) Players must be at least 8 years old to play.
2) Players aged 8-13 must have a parent or guardian present at the park for the extent of the visit.
3) There is a Zero tolerance policy on drug and alcohol use on the property. For the safety of the player and everyone else at the field any suspected violation will result in the removal of the individual.
4)Any player under the age of 18 must have an adult at the age of 18+ to co sign the insurance waiver.
1) All referee decisions are final. While on the field of play there will be no discussing calls or decisions. After the game is over questions and concerns can be addressed with the referee. If the answers do not satisfy the player they will be referred to Management.
2) Authorized barrel covers are required at all times until the referee says for players to remove them. No barrel plugs will be allowed.
3) Any person at the park will be required to wear full face Paintball certified masks on the field at ALL times. Additionally masks are required at all marked locations.
4) Paintball Velocity or FPS(Feet Per Second) shall be tested by referees at the designated chronograph station before a player is allowed to enter a playing field.
5) Fire Rate/Rounds Per Second(RPS) regulations:
6) Fully Automatic Markers are prohibited.
1) What constitutes as a hit/elimination shot
2) Players are required to call themselves out when they are hit. When they are hit the proper way to call yourself out is raising our hand and yelling “HIT!”.
3) Players who are out must leave the field in the most direct and fastest way available. Players will not inform teammates of opposing player positions while leaving the field.
4) During recreational play a 10ft no shooting rule applies. If opposing players cannot obtain a safe position outside the 10ft both players will be eliminated.
5) “BANG!” Rule:
5) “BUNKER TAP!” Rule:
6) Players must stay within the boundary lines of the field. They will be clearly marked or explained by the referee. If a player leaves the boundary lines they will be ruled out and have to return to the staging area.
1) There will be no Climbing, moving of bunkers or structures, setting traps, taking of prisoners or confiscation of other players equipment.
2) Any physical confrontation to customers or staff will result the immediate expulsion of those parties from the Park if unwilling to leave the proper authorities will be contacted.
3) Please do not interfere with the wildlife. They are just passing through, but if there is any dangerous wildlife please inform the staff.
4) No unauthorized vehicles on the field.
5) No unauthorized incendiary devices are allowed on the field
Safety is Paramount in Paintball & Airsoft.
Every day the staff at Palm Bay Paintball Park pride ourselves on enforcing the rules and keeping everyone safe. When issues arise and rules are broken our staff will force players to sit out a game and go back over the rules. If the problem persists the player will be asked to leave. Palm Bay Paintball Park wants everyone of our players to find their new paintball home at our park. Welcome home!